album release date: end of november 2011
Warning! This is xenharmonic music. An unusual sound, xenharmonic means inventing new combinations of frequencies. Stuff that regular instruments can't handle. Here are 3 tracks just to wet your appetite.
Our goal: to overturn, overthrow, ruin and destroy traditional harmonic ideas and expectations, and to expand our own ideas about harmony through experimentation. Because whether you like it or not: there are all kinds of harmonies, not just the ones we're used to.
Right now we'd like to emphasize that Subversio (the entire 9-track album) was actually created using just one specialized synth that can handle this xenharmonic stuff in a very user-friendly way, matching tunings with FM-timbres. The synth is called FMTS, and it's purple.
OK, so three producers created tracks for the Subversio album. Each one has a unique style of producing, mixing etc. but still the typical xenharmonic vibe can be heard on all tracks. The music might feel a little strange, but xenharmonic sounds are most of all fresh and inspiring. It's the new frontier for the harmonically adventurous musician. Now let's introduce the Subversio artists...
Is the man behind Split Notes, the first and probably the finest netlabel for hi quality xen music with-a-beat. Sevish contributes ballsy dnb tracks that showcase his great harmonic audacity. He's from London, and we think he's the guy who's going to turn the UK (and possibly the planet) on to xenharmonics. Both with his own music and with his forward-thinking netlabel, which is picking up more steam as we speak. Official website: Sevish Music.
Jacky Ligon
Is really a Leonardo da Vinci kinda guy. Clever enough to design his own VST synths (he's got a little secret toolbox full of homemade goodies as well) and creative enough to come up with great sounding, highly individual, yet very accessible music. While most synth developers would be content creating a generic 'dubstep' demotrack showcasing the wobble-potential of their homegrown instrument, Jacky takes his art a few steps further. His theoretical knowledge of xenharmonics is deep, but his mixes are even deeper and also extremely refined. It's like sonic architecture for audiophiles really. His sound has a bit of the original Viennese 'lounge' vibe, but there's also a strong earth-connection. Hearing is believing, lots of bass & space in fine style! Official website: Xen-Arts.
Tony Dubshot
Is the guy behind Dubbhism. He's a dub producer who likes to think of xenharmonics as a dub effect. His style is a bit simplistic maybe, compared to the refined tunings and harmonic effects created by Sevish and Jacky Ligon, but he's a newcomer so give him a break. In fact, he'll happily admit to being an analog hooligan. He processed the sounds of the Xenharmonic FMTS synth with his big bad monster modular, producing nasty noises and fx. Official website: Dubbhism.
Xenharmonic FMTS
Is the name of the synth that was used to create all harmonic parts on the album. The all inclusive Subversio deal means that you can try the xenharmonic approach for yourself ~ if you're a computer musician using the VST format that is.
- here's the home of the Xenharmonic FMTS;
- for newcomers, here's a short xenharmonic tutorial to get you started;
- the FMTS is an FM-synth. If you're a little scared of FM-synthesis, refresh your knowledge with this easy FM tutorial. The order is reversed, so scroll all the way down for part one;
- here's a review of the original FMTS synth.
Xenharmonic FMTS 1.1 (maintenance update, november 2011)
New features:
- Added exponential response to the Filter 1 Cutoff Frequency control slider;
- Added 58 total automation targets for host DAW automation. Targets are included for ADSR, FM-RM Oscilllator Algorithm, Effects Section, Filter Section, Global and Local Microtuning, Operator Waveforms and Oscillator Section;
- Added more presets, microtunings, partials files;
- Improved FM-RM oscillator quality (especially in the bass range).
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Operator Keyboard Tracking Slider bug;
- Fixed Frequency Limit bug that could cause clipping under certain circumstances.